On-Site Scanning or In-House Scanning
The migration of electronic document management systems to an existing information technology platform or other document imaging and processing services for back file conversion can be a huge task, not to mention the equipment and staff requirements, the process for back file scanning is significantly different than day-forward scanning. Trying to implement Inexperienced management and operators using new and foreign equipment with improperly designed process or training for a specific scanning project only increases the problem.
WeScanFiles.com offers a secure process that gives you complete piece of mind, by fulfilling all your scanning needs at your place of business, this give you the comfort of knowing that your documents are secure and are being scanned in your place of business. After all, your Documents ARE your business, shoulded they be scanned by on-site specialist?
WeScanFiles.com realizes that some documents contain sensitive information (resumes, medical records, financial information, legal documents, etc.) and can not leave the site.
Our experienced team of document scanning personnel are available for remote onsite scanning projects. If your documents are required to be processed onsite, we can arrange an onsite production team to travel to your location and setup a document scanning station at your place.
Depending on the volume and turn around times required we can allocate one or two individuals, to an entire team. We supply all of the software, hardware and personnel required to complete the project. All we need is the space to bring our team and equipment to you. Either Way We scan your files the way you need them to be scanned, just call WeScanFiles.com for your free analysis of your needs.